Jonny Stark

Austin Engel

Austin Engel, the first international member of Show Ab from Dallas,Texas (USA), studied vocal performance and music education at the University of North Texas (UNT). During his studies, he performed with the renowned UNT A Capella Choir under the leadership of Jerry McCoy, as well as leading roles with the UNT Opera. Professionally, Austin has performed with the Texas Boys Choir, the Dallas and Fort Worth Opera companies, and had a one year engagement with The Two Tenors, which included a several month tour of Japan. In the musical theater field, Austin has performed as The Baker in „Into the Woods“ with DentonCommunityTheater, Curly in „Oklahoma“ with Artists of Christian Talent, Nathan Detroit in „Guys and Dolls“ with Artists of Christian Talent, Harry Macafee in „Bye, Bye, Birdie“ with Lake Highlands Theater, as well as many other roles throughout his career. In addition to performing, Austin has served as music director for several productions throughout the Dallas area. Austin is a member of ACDA, TMEA, and MENC. He is thrilled to be preforming in his very first production with Show Ab!.


Austin Engel, das erste internationale Mitglied von Show Ab aus Dallas in Texas (USA), studierte Gesang und Musikerziehung an der Universität von Nordtexas (UNT). Während seines Studiums wirkte er im renommierten UNT A Capella Chor mit und stand auch in mehreren Hauptrollen an der Oper der UNT auf der Bühne. Professionell trat Austin mit dem Texas Boys Choir und den Dallas and Fort Worth Opera companies auf und hatte ein einjähriges Engagement mit The Two Tenors, das eine einmonatige Tour in Japan beinhaltete. In der Musikrichtung Musical spielte Austin u. a. den Bäcker in „Into the Woods“ (DentonCommunityTheater), Curly in „Oklahoma“ (Artists of Christian Talent), Nathan Detroit in „Guys and Dolls“ (Artists of Christian Talent) und Harry Macafee in „Bye, Bye, Birdie“ (Lake Highlands Theater).
Neben seinen Bühnenauftritten fungierte er als musikalischer Leiter in mehreren Produktionen in der Region von Dallas. Austin ist Mitglied von ACDA, TMEA und MENC. Er freut sich riesig auf seine erste Show Ab Produktion „Pinkelstadt“, in der er die Hauptrolle des „Jonny“ übernimmt.

Jonny Stark

Austin Engel

Austin Engel, the first international member of Show Ab from Dallas,Texas (USA), studied vocal performance and music education at the University of North Texas (UNT). During his studies, he performed with the renowned UNT A Capella Choir under the leadership of Jerry McCoy, as well as leading roles with the UNT Opera. Professionally, Austin has performed with the Texas Boys Choir, the Dallas and Fort Worth Opera companies, and had a one year engagement with The Two Tenors, which included a several month tour of Japan. In the musical theater field, Austin has performed as The Baker in „Into the Woods“ with DentonCommunityTheater, Curly in „Oklahoma“ with Artists of Christian Talent, Nathan Detroit in „Guys and Dolls“ with Artists of Christian Talent, Harry Macafee in „Bye, Bye, Birdie“ with Lake Highlands Theater, as well as many other roles throughout his career. In addition to performing, Austin has served as music director for several productions throughout the Dallas area. Austin is a member of ACDA, TMEA, and MENC. He is thrilled to be preforming in his very first production with Show Ab!.


Austin Engel, das erste internationale Mitglied von Show Ab aus Dallas in Texas (USA), studierte Gesang und Musikerziehung an der Universität von Nordtexas (UNT). Während seines Studiums wirkte er im renommierten UNT A Capella Chor mit und stand auch in mehreren Hauptrollen an der Oper der UNT auf der Bühne. Professionell trat Austin mit dem Texas Boys Choir und den Dallas and Fort Worth Opera companies auf und hatte ein einjähriges Engagement mit The Two Tenors, das eine einmonatige Tour in Japan beinhaltete. In der Musikrichtung Musical spielte Austin u. a. den Bäcker in „Into the Woods“ (DentonCommunityTheater), Curly in „Oklahoma“ (Artists of Christian Talent), Nathan Detroit in „Guys and Dolls“ (Artists of Christian Talent) und Harry Macafee in „Bye, Bye, Birdie“ (Lake Highlands Theater).
Neben seinen Bühnenauftritten fungierte er als musikalischer Leiter in mehreren Produktionen in der Region von Dallas. Austin ist Mitglied von ACDA, TMEA und MENC. Er freut sich riesig auf seine erste Show Ab Produktion „Pinkelstadt“, in der er die Hauptrolle des „Jonny“ übernimmt.